CVMA ensures the voice of Canadian veterinarians circles the globe. Food safety, drug supply, labour mobility, education, standards and global trade are some of the many issues that cross borders and may potentially have an impact on the profession, the scope of practice, or practice standards. CVMA ensures Canadian veterinarians’ involvement in these matters and provides national and international leadership in global discussions.

CVMA is part of the Canadian delegation to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and represents Canadian veterinarians with the World Veterinary Association, North American Veterinary Medical Education Consortium, North American Veterinary Leaders, PANVET, World Small Animal Veterinary Association, Pet Nutrition Alliance,  and the International Veterinary Officers Council.

Joint AVMA-FVE-CVMA Statements

The CVMA works together with the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe to produce position statements on issues that have a global impact.

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