Audio Interview: Vaccines Save Lives: The Importance of Vaccinating Pets

Sep 19, 2018

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) spoke with veterinarians Dr. Jim Berry and Dr. Sarah Armstrong about the importance of routine vaccinations for all pets, including even for those that rarely go out of the home, or are indoors-only.

Here are Five Reasons to Vaccinate:

  1. Vaccinations are safe and effective – they prevent many animal illnesses.
  2. Vaccinations protect everyone – they prevent diseases that can be passed not only from animal to animal, but also from animal to human.
  3. Vaccinations are an important part of annual health exams.
  4. Vaccinations are tailored to each animal based on its breed, age, overall health, and disease exposure risk.
  5. Vaccinations can help avoid costly treatments for diseases that can be prevented.

A vaccinated animal is a happy, safe, and healthy animal.

The Importance of Vaccinating Your Pet (In English only)

If you wish for a French transcript, contact the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.

For more information on vaccines and other health issues and conditions, visit the CVMA’s, your reliable source for expert advice from the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. Remember to talk to your veterinarian – she/he is still the best source of advice when it comes to your pet's health.

Dr. Jim Berry is a co-owner of Douglas Animal Hospital in New Brunswick. He is a past-president of the New Brunswick Veterinary Medical Association, and Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, and is now the president-elect of the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management. He is also the Canadian representative to the World Small Animal Veterinary Association and the Pet Nutrition Alliance. Dr. Berry recently became a certified companion animal chiropractor, veterinary acupuncturist and canine rehabilitation therapist.

Dr. Sarah Armstrong cares for pets in Vancouver at Cats Only Animal Hospital. She was the local organizational chair for the 2018 CVMA Convention held in Vancouver and is the current President of the CVMA-Society of British Columbia Veterinarians (SBCV) Chapter Board.