Veterinary Technician Utilization Podcast Now

February 14, 2024

Check out this timely and informative podcast from the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE) Veterinary Practice Health series. This month’s podcast discusses the importance of veterinary technician utilization and efficiency in veterinary practice. The hosts, Heather Prendergast, Leslie Boudreau, and Dr. Lou Olson, emphasize the need to fully utilize veterinary technicians and create a culture that values their contributions. They highlight the benefits of technician utilization, such as improved job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and increased efficiency. The conversation also explores the various roles and responsibilities that credential technicians can take on in a practice, beyond traditional floor duties. The episode concludes with a discussion on onboarding programs and the impact of culture on technician utilization.

Veterinary Technician Utilization: Part 1 (

The podcast links are housed on Spotify and available on other major digital platforms such as Apple podcasts and iheartradio as well.